Piensa en la peor experiencia que hayas tenido con tequila. Seguro en este momento tu cerebro está buscando en la saturada biblioteca de tu lóbulo temporal […]
Focused on furniture and interior design, it was established in 2004 as a result of the collective of architects conformed by Joaquin Homs and Alejandro Villegas. […]
He said that one of the best retributions this profession has is the customer’s satisfaction: observing their reaction when they discover that things were done according […]
Entrevista por revista Point a Joaquín Homs, arquitecto e interiorista. Especialista en diseño residencial y hostelería, ha desarrollado grandes proyectos turísticos por todo el mundo.
La casa de huéspedes “La Casona” combina la arquitectura tradicional española con una estética moderna y contemporánea. He aquí un vistazo al interior de la nueva […]
The La Casona Guest House combines traditional Spanish architecture with contemporary & modern aesthetics; get an exclusive look inside the new house on their Mexican Hacienda. […]